Respect for Armed Forces — Sorry most times it’s a hypocrisy
Do we respect our Armed Forces?
Well, one thing social media has opened up for “display” is the profound “respect” that we “seem” to have for the armed forces.
Not a single day goes where someone does not forward (always forward — why?) eulogizing one dead soul (always dead — again why? Do the armed forces become heroes in death only?). The tenor is the same:
1. No media is talking about this, and nobody is sharing the message (except me of course, the nationalist)
2. As a nation we need to learn how to show respect to the armed forces — do you know in the US they announce it in a flight if someone from the forces is traveling?
3. Do you know how much is suffering in Siachen (I just came to know — though we have been camping there for two decades)? And we are enjoying their sleep.
All good to see and hear. But at the same time are serious contradictions!
This is what I think so.
Any retired army man struggles to find employment. In case they are sepoy, they mostly become security guards. If senior, they are selected for securities and administration.
What happened to the respect we showed in public? And I am not even talking about the way we abused the ex-serviceman when he was the security at our apartment and layout gates.
None of us wants to send our children to the army. And I am sure all will pray in private that their children do not get married to an active serviceman. So much for the “social media” respect, only for others to follow.
Today in Manipur, Assam Rifles is facing FIR and charges from the government about being biased, and unfortunately, it is filing a defamation suit to protect its credibility.
We do not see any screaming nationalist whose hearts otherwise bleeds with supercilious forwards or the agitated generals who blast the traitors on the TV with tears flowing.
Are they asleep now?