Arab-Israel Conflict — and a Curious Connect of Ramu The Troll

Israel. A country that can be anybody’s envy. Unless the people and its leadership work hard to make it a basket case — of eternal hate.
A country with USD 40K per capita income.
A country which has been set up for people who have won the most number Nobel prizes in science.
A country which is considered as one of the most innovative in the world. A country that has revolutionized agriculture, and produced very high productivity in the desert.
The people of the same religion in this country dominate Wall Street. There are rumors that they dominate the financial market of the entire world — the Rothschild family.
In any case, the Jews are the richest in the world. So much so they are derisively called the WASP (White American Semitic Population). They almost have the successive US governments in their pocket (Trump shifted the Embassy, but look at how tight-lipped Biden is on the current fracas).
(Rothschilds are however a favorite with the nationalists as a member of the family is married to Amartya Sen. And George Soros — whose money trail is found in every conspiracy to degrade the country — he is also a Jew).
The US ensured that Israel got the nuclear technology on the sleight. Making it the only nuclear power in the region, while aggressively ensuring that no one else acquires the same (like Iran, who is missing successive milestones because of subversive acts of Israel backed by the US — where the entire nuclear science leadership has been eliminated by targeted assassinations mostly even in Iran). When AWACS was a no-no for the Middle East, Israel miraculously developed it on their own).
Israel is a country that has been formed as the world felt a sense of remorse for the holocaust, the felt the need to give a home to the Jews who had been homeless for over a thousand years. But none were ready to cede any land, so a piece of the desert which has just come out of the British occupation was handed over.
This immediately made the Palestinians living there stateless in their own country. Conflicts made many of them cross over to countries like Jordon as refugees, where they continue to be there even after three generations.
There had been three Arab-Israeli wars — 1948, 1967, and 1973 (apart from periodic engagements that are deadly by any standards — like Lebanon in 1982, or 2006 conflict, or the Suez crisis of 1956). And in each of these conflicts, Israel has come out victors (even in the 1973 war, when Israel was attacked by Arab states led by Syria, and Egypt on the celebration day of Yom Kippur). And now the Hamas incursion, and the impending Israeli response.
Israel is a powerful state, with some of the most advanced weaponry (including nuclear power), has a heavily militarized society (conscription resulted in 1 in 30 Israelis being on active duty), has over support of the US, backed by some of the richest people on the world, is not criticized by Europe because of their collective shame of Holocaust, turned a desert into a very productive region, consistently grabbed additional land (like Golan Heights, West Bank), have pushed an entire population into permanent refugee status, has attacked anyone overtly or covertly in the name of national interest (and almost with no consequence — even Security Council resolutions have been blocked by the US), and have defeated the Arab countries convincingly in all the wars.
Some of these assumptions are now being questioned after the intelligence and rapid-response failure when thousands of Hamas terrorists entered Israel and created mayhem. But that does not take away the ability of Israel to stand up for itself.
Now let us look at Ramu. He is most probably from a BIMARU state (with per capita income at half of India’s USD 2K), and stays with his parents. Ramu is hapless. He does not have an income, living off his parents. And he is not happy.
But someone told Ramu that somewhere A vicious war is on. Some Abduls are completely responsible for what is going on, and they need to be taught a lesson. People are talking about their destruction, taking them back to the stone age. Their power, water, food, and medicine have been cut off, and there is a possibility that even without any attacks a lot of Abduls will die.
And Ramu becomes very happy. He forgets his pain, the pain of his family, community, and country.
Because the pain of Abdul is greater. Because that makes the antagonists of Abduls his natural ally. That also perfectly fits the narrative he believes — that his life is because of what the Abduls did hundreds of years before, not because of the one who is running the government today.
That is why Ramu spends time every day tweeting with the hashtag #IStandWithIsrael. Supports the Israeli Prime Minister, even when the PM is a dictator at home and fighting tooth and nail to avoid jail for corruption charges.
Ramu calls all Palestinians Jihadis (whereas Palestinians, despite their generations of sufferings, are probably one of the most liberal people in the Islamic world), and proudly shares the photos of the destruction of the Gaza Strip (and West Bank, and Lebanon, and Jordon — wherever there are Palestinian refugee camps).
Ramu is a new-age Indian youth. Who is helpless, angry, frustrated. His CM is missing in delivering good, and busy misdirecting attention. But Ramu is happy not to understand.
He would rather be the stupid output of globalization, in a very perverse way, than trying to win back his right to a dignified life.